What’s new?
New Features:
– Second start Button
– “Run Bite-Finder” starts only main features as defined in standard settings (static and dynamic occlusion, plus video documentation)
– “+” Button on the right includes secondary and beta features. So you have two standard configured options to choose depending on the case.
– Added an eye symbol next to the jaws to quickly make jaws invisible or visible.
– Optimised saving and loading
– Save and reload sty with color
– Load penetration values if file is small
– Old data will be deleted when loading new files (no reupload of data, slider put on zero)
– Better handling of special characters in file names (loading and saving)
– Checkboxes optimised
– Rare problems with static occlusion if dynamic occlusion was not checked
– Local static occlusion with 0 deviation is possible now to only generate dynamic occlusion if static occlusion is already perfect
– Improved scan-to-print algorithm to reduce unprintable results
– Improved calculation of penetration values
– Improved independency of single features