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I was just amazed to find proper and very accurate occlusion for the first set of upper and lower scan I did on Bite-finder. I used to spend lot of time occluding upper and lower scans from the doctors oral scanner, as they it did not have a proper bite most of the time. 

At last Bite-Finder solved the very difficult problem of proper bite, which is the most crucial part of a successful restoration design which will save tons of time and energy for both dentist and lab, at some price, obviously every company has to provide for their employees for the hard work and service they give, at the same time make enough profit to for future development, so the customer gets benefits for what they spend. It’s a win win situation for every one. 

Bite-Finder is the answer for a proper and accurate bite with ease. I would highly recommend Bite-Finder to all Dentists and Dental labs. 

As the first five credits are free to experience the magic of automatic proper and accurate bite. The rest will follow automatically, saving tons of frustration and time, as time is money. May all be happy and at ease, free from Dis-ease. 

Umesh Chauhan One technician dental lab Dental technician since 1984

Es un gran programa, me ayuda mucho a obtener las mordidas cuando los odontólogos no pueden obtener buenos registros con sus escaners. Me dedico al diseño de arcos all on x y cuando hacen los escaneos pre op. no siempre obtienen buenos registros, con Bite Finder los puedo obtener y hacer increíble mi trabajo.

It is a great program, it helps me a lot to get the bites when the dentists can’t get good records with their scanners. I do all on x arch design and when they do pre op scans they don’t always get good records, with Bite Finder I can get them and do an amazing job.

Laboratorio Dental de Nicolas

Good idea to help some cases while fixing really weird occlusion issues.

Kurth + Ewers Dental Gmbh & Co. KG

We would like to use the bitefinder software to bypass the process of first printing 3D models and then scanning them back in to transfer the correct bite.

Bösing Dental GmbH & Co. KG

Es un programa que promete mucho en el mundo dental

It is a program that promises a lot in the dental world


As a dental professional, I highly recommend using occlusal analysis software to identify and diagnose occlusion issues in dental cases. It provides accurate and efficient measurements, saving time and improving treatment outcomes. It’s an invaluable tool for achieving optimal oral health and patient satisfaction.

Yurii Kriukov

Exceptionnel, no more problems

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Una aplicacin muy util, la vi en una demostracion y me resulto de mucha utilidad para el trabao diario cuando los escaneos de mordida no son los correctos

A very useful application, I saw it in a demo and it was very useful for my daily work when the bite scans are not correct

Digital Pastine

Bite-Finder is a great relief for labs working with digital scans. Very easy to use, fast and time saving.


muy interesante, deseando ver a donde va a llegar.

very interesting, looking forward to see where it will go.

Interviews and reviews
Centro Dental Paniagua

Wir als Praxislabor benutzen den bite-finder nun einige Zeit sehr erfolgreich. Endlich haben wir keine Probleme mehr mit nicht passender okklusion. Unsere Zahnärzte danken es uns sehr 🙂 Wir hatten oft das Problem, dass durch den intraoral-Scan der Biss nicht richtig ausgerichtet war. Dank des bite-finders errechnet uns die Software schnell die passende und richtige okklusion, sowie die wichtigsten lateral-bewegungen. Hervorzuheben ist der wirklich sehr nette support des Teams.

As a practice laboratory, we have been using the bite-finder very successfully for some time now. At last we no longer have problems with mismatched occlusions. Our dentists thank us very much 🙂 We often had the problem that the bite was not correctly aligned due to the intraoral scan. Thanks to the bite-finder, the software quickly calculates the correct occlusion and the most important lateral movements. I would like to emphasize the really nice support from the team.

Hoppe.Dental Clinic

I was skeptical when i heard about Bitefinder, tested it, but what amazed me, is when i tried it on real case. It was an IOS difficult case, and almost impossible to bring back the patient to take a new bite registration. Bitefinder was able to get it correctly, 100/100. I guess it will be on my most used 3d softwares. i hope it will be implemented in the major softwares and Intraoral scanners.

Gdentallab Canada

I have been using BiteFinder for several difficult denture patients that we have had trouble recording ICP. We have used the software for both partially dentate patients with and without ICP. Some patients who have had trouble finding static occlusion. With each and every case BiteFinder has identified the ideal bite and occlusal record in a matter of moments with, what I would say, a near enough 100% accuracy. There have been a couple of cases where minor adjustments to try in dentures have been made, but with BiteFinder, this is becoming the exception rather than the rule. I would recommend this software for all cases from both the laboratory and clinical perspective where the occlusion is in question.


Your Program Bite Finder is really awesome for generating Splints with the feature Open Jaw. We had a lot of problems with this analog and digital but your software mayde our Splints a lot better. Thank you very much.

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Dental Clinic Budde